Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Dig deeper

The other night I was downstairs and the TV was on, the news on one of the network channels. I was under the assumption 'news' should be of some interesting topic and perhaps a bit informative, 'a bit' being the lowered expectations of today's media in any form. A story comes on about this kid, really, he was maybe 13 or 14, who was speaking to the Los Angeles city council about getting the ranking officials to sign up for his club...get this, the 'no cussing club'. This is bizarre on a multitude of layers. First of all, this child has no clue what it really means to curse, which brings me to the next point, 'cussing' isn't really even a word. Just because it's become a word in recent times doesn't mean shit to me really when his club is based on the use of words. Next, this dim wit goes on to explain why he started the club and his little ditty goes something like this: "my friends who never use to 'cuss' started 'cussing' and I just want them to be who they use to be and not 'cuss." What new sort of ritalin have they subjected our youth to? Are you for reals?? He wants his friends to be who they use to be? Well first lesson in life kiddo, we're all changing, constantly, that's what being in the third and fourth dimensions does to our human forms and minds. Get use to it quick or keep up the ritalin prescription. What I find to be interesting about all of this is the bare bone semantics this club is focusing on. Words are nothing but air, vibrations and halatosis...oh, and you need at least one sense to even know they exist. I wonder if the club members simply concentrate on actually uttering a curse word or do some of them *gasp* internalize the lesson of not sending out bad vibes and hatred towards others and come to realize that something actually comes before the cursing in their being? The intent behind the curse word comes far before the actual use of the word itself. Simply training to keep yourself in check before sputtering out the curse word only reaches towards band-aiding at best. Get to the root of the problem: the fucked up passive surface dwelling we numbly accept as lessons in our society are doing nothing aside from perpetuating the idea that holding up a facade will get you through life, and start fixing things from the heart of it all, have a little heart, be a real being for once: yourself. Practice a little self-awareness and get rid of those archaic values that are pretty much dust by now. Did I mention this club has spread across the US and a number of other countries? Words mean nothing yet they cling to them like wrists on a crucifix.

What's next? the no bitching club? or is that paradoxical?...good.

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