Wednesday, April 2, 2008


you excite my heart, dissolving matters to the purity that amalgamation can bring. Courtesy flush, hands brush, lining the paths paved by two pairs of hands. minds contemplate and hearts desire, growth, abnormal or askewed, asymmetrics are what we're made of. floating. the stars. cosmic dust harmony soothes the tones that weigh down on tones fading. silence. conducting orchestral anomales, be my draft on warm days. the breeze that sends a nostalgia for the future to come and abruptly disrupt me from this dream. in between life and death we waltz on this thin balanced edge. twirl the world, spin the unspun, reconnect all that's been forgot for so long. so long. goodbyes are never quite real between our eyes. success is but a fantasy wavering in fleeting rushes. spun. a new world comes to play. neon fish waddle their way in mid air, hanging fluorescents entwine the difference in distance we can be blind to, not forgetting but never the undoing. precious collaboration. sense me across instantaneous transmissions, we teach one another about the skies over and over again, combine.

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