Sunday, November 6, 2011

Hafu documentary film

Growing up multi-racial and multi-cultural brought a lot of interesting curiosities and perspectives into my life. Some fellow Half-Japanese creators are currently in the finishing stages of completing a documentary film about the "hafu" (half-Japanese, half-other ethnicity) experience in Japan. This project is near to my heart in many ways and I'm personally curious as to how the final film will be.

First of all, as most projects these days, they need aide/help with the funding to finish this project.
Being as broke as I am, I decided to help in my own way and offer up some recent paintings I'd finished.

Please go and check out the site to help

HERE (hafu-film)

thank you and please help spread the word!


Awestume said...

I saw this through a Japanese friend of mine that has mixed children, and was very interested. I have grown up as a mixed race person in America (half Black half Spanish), but also my wife (who is Japanese) and I recently had a son, and I am very interested in seeing what some of his experiences may be like when we visit, or if we decide to move to Japan.

I am definitely going to donate to this project, but I was also interested in the "Artist" perk specifically for your paintings. It looks like they are all sold out. I'm wondering if you will be contributing any more, or if you may have other avenues where one could see and possibly purchase some of your work?


Takeaki said...

So glad you not only find this project interesting but also my paintings as well! I just put up my email address ( on my profile on the blog so feel free to email me there and I can send you some photos of some finished works.
Look forward to hearing from you soon!